Big Cottonwood Canyon Mouth weather

 Latitude N 40° 37' 13"    Longitude W 111° 48' 02"    Elevation 4865 ft

Dawn: 07:08 Sunrise: 07:35 Moonrise: 00:02 Moon
Dusk: 19:20 Sunset:  18:53 Moonset: 14:44
Daylight: 12:12 Day length: 11:18 Moon Phase: Waning Crescent

Welcome to Big Cottonwood Canyon Mouth Weather, located at 4,865 feet in Cottonwood Heights, Utah, near the entrance to Big Cottonwood Canyon. This site is proudly sponsored by First Tracks!! Online Ski Magazine.

The weather station in use is the Oregon Scientific WMR-968, and these pages are updated every 1 minute. The wind data on the Gauges page is updated in real time. The video cam below features a live feed. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight.

:now::gauges::today::yesterday::records::trends::radar::webcam::nearby webcams:

Forecast: Exceptional Weather, Stormy, much precipitation - Click here for the Forecast Discussion from the National Weather Service

Conditions at local time 23:13 on 12 October 2017
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 40.3 °F Dew Point 3.4 °F
Windchill 40.3 °F Humidity 21%
Heat Index 40.3 °F Apparent Temperature 34.1 °F
Rainfall Today 0.00 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall This Month 0.00 in Rainfall This Year 0.00 in
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last rainfall 2017-05-21 07:37
Wind Speed (gust) 0.0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 0.0 mph
Wind Bearing 0° --- Beaufort F0 Calm
Barometer  22.57 in Steady 0.00 in/hr

Live Stream
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::records::trends::radar::webcam::nearby webcams:

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Page updated 10/12/2017 11:13:00 PM
powered by Cumulus v1.9.4 (1099)